What are care finders?
We help people understand what aged care services are available, organise an assessment, and find and choose relevant services.
We also help people access other supports in the community, such as health, mental health, housing and homelessness, drug and alcohol services, and community groups.
Who do care finders help?
Care finders are not for everyone. We specifically help vulnerable, older Australians who:
- have no carer or support person who can help them, or
- do not have a carer or support person they trust or feel comfortable with, and
- are eligible for government-funded aged care.
In addition, the person:
- has difficulty communicating because of language or literacy problems, or
- finds it difficult to understand information and make decisions, or
- is reluctant to engage with aged care or government, or
- is unsafe if they do not receive services.
If you know someone who is older than 65 (or older than 50 and identifies as Aboriginal or a Torres Strait Islander), and the above applies to them, then contact Latrobe Community Health Service.
We will ask some questions about why the person needs help from a care finder.
The person must give consent for you to provide any information about them to us. It is best if the person is with you when you make the call.

What do care finders do?
Once connected with us, a dedicated care finder will meet the person – usually at their home or another place they choose. We will ask questions to understand the person’s situation and start working through the steps to address their needs.
Care finders can:
- talk to My Aged Care on the person’s behalf and arrange an assessment
- attend and provide support at the assessment
- find and short-list aged care providers in the person’s area
- complete forms and explain aged care service agreements
- check-in once services are up and running to make sure everything is OK
- solve other challenges and connect the person to supports in the community, such as health, mental health, housing and homelessness, drug and alcohol services and community groups.

What if a care finder isn’t right for someone?
Most people who need aged care should phone My Aged Care on 1800 200 244 or visit myagedcare.gov.au
If someone would like help to talk to My Aged Care or to use the website, they can go to any Services Australia centre.
There are also specialist aged care officers who give face-to-face help in 70 Services Australia service centres. Visit the Services Australia website or phone 1800 227 475 to find out where these are located.
How do I connect someone to a care finder?
Phone Latrobe Community Health Service on 1800 242 696 or email carefinders@lchs.com.au