Take control

A long-term health condition like diabetes, arthritis or asthma can be stressful and can change the way you live and interact with others.
At Latrobe Community Health Service, we believe you can take control of your health to live a longer, happier life. This includes learning how to manage your condition and support groups where you can meet other people in the same situation as you.
We also have staff that can help coordinate your care. A care coordinator can:
- give you information about your health condition
- help you set goals for a healthier lifestyle
- coordinate your appointments and services.
We will work with you to make sure you have the right information and support to be as independent as possible.
Select a service from the menu to learn more about what we can offer you.
Services Offered
Chronic disease management
A long-term health condition like diabetes, arthritis or asthma can be stressful and can change the way you live and interact with others.
Latrobe Community Health Service can help you learn about diabetes and how to effectively manage the condition.
Hepatitis C
Our hepatitis C nurse can assess your health before chronic hepatitis C virus treatment.
Latrobe Community Health Service offers support for people who have – or are at risk of getting – lymphoedema.
Respiratory and breathing help
A respiratory nurse is a nurse who specialises in caring for people with breathing and lung problems.
Wound care
Wound care nurses at Latrobe Community Health Service specialise in treating chronic wounds such as deep bruising, burns, ulcers or skin cancer.