headspace Morwell
Through headspace Morwell, we provide health care and support services to young people aged between 12 and 25 years.
We provide support and information on a range of concerns including mental health, drugs and alcohol, physical / sexual health, employment and education. We can also help your friends and other people who support you.
Find out more about headspace Morwell, or look them up on Facebook or Instagram.
Kids Connect
Kids Connect is an early intervention program that provides support to children and young people aged from 0 – 18 and their families who are at risk of negative mental health outcomes.
The program has a focus on the child’s needs, building resilience and supporting family relationships.
Kids Connect is delivered through Latrobe Community Health Service (LCHS) and the Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency (VACCA) and is available to families living in the Latrobe Valley.
How can Kids Connect help?
Through Kids Connect, children and young people will receive case management with their family’s involvement to assist with:
- Offer strategies for behaviour management
- Learning effective communication skills
- Developing problem-solving skills
- Building confidence and resilience
- Strengthening positive relationships.

Who is Kids Connect for?
This service is available to families who live in the Latrobe Valley including:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
- People from a CALD (Culturally and Linguistically Diverse) background
- Families experiencing homelessness, unemployment, drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, or history of trauma
- Children in contact with the child protection system but not subject to a court order
- Young people leaving out of home care who have young children
What does Kids Connect focus on?
The Kids Connect program offers services in the following areas:
- Anger management
- Anxiety and stress
- Self esteem
- Respectful relationships
Anyone wishing to access this service can phone Latrobe Community Health Service on 1800 242 696 or the Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency on 5135 6055 and provide general information about their situation.
If the child or young person is eligible for the program, an assessment will occur and the most appropriate assistance will be established. This may range from general information to short or long term assistance.
If other eligible family members require support, they may also be referred to the program in order to provide more complete family support.
Family violence and children’s counselling
Our counsellors support children aged between five and 17 years to understand and cope with their emotions, rebuild their confidence, and to overcome fears, anxieties or effects of trauma. For more information on children’s counselling services visit Counselling and Psychology
Latrobe Community Health Service offers family violence counselling to women and children who have been in, or are in abusive relationships. For more information and support phone 1800 242 696 or visit Family Violence Support Services.